Wild food foraging
Sun, 16 Apr
Learn how to safely identify, eat and preserve wild foods. Discover medicinal plants, soap plants, and whatever else we can find!

Time & Location
16 Apr 2023, 10:30 – 13:00
Surbiton, Surbiton KT5 8HS, UK
About the event
Gather at 10:30 walk ends at 13:00
Lots of tips on how to identify plants using patterns; what part of the plant to harvest at different times of the year; how to eat it or preserve it. We will also look out for medicinal plants, soap plants, and whatever else we can find.
COST This is by donation. So please say what you would like to offer on the registration form. Donation from £5 to £30
REGISTRATION ESSENTIAL https://tinyurl.com/yckvj754
RAKESH IN KINGSTON Rakesh will be running a weekend long series of workshops and talks
FRIDAY 14th 1pm to 4pm Pedal power demo at the Kingston Hive. 4pm to 8pm A series of free talks.
SATURDAY 15th Practical on how to make biochar cook stoves and rocket stoves 10am to 4pm in Thames Ditton https://www.facebook.com/events/142218701914715
SUNDAY 16th 10:30 to 13:00 Wild food walk (safe foraging) https://www.facebook.com/events/duplicate/618342929846900 15:00 to 17:00 Fermentation workshop @Kingston Hive https://www.facebook.com/events/1251875015440479
Rakesh "Rootsman Rak" is an experienced low impact living designer and teacher from the UK, specializing in community resilience, permaculture, creating food forests and low maintenance food growing systems. He has worked as an advisor to several community projects in London and throughout Europe and has taught in many countries around the world. Rakesh has turned his dyslexia to his advantage by developing talent for observation and hands-on learning and teaching methods. At a young age, he established a successful computer consultancy and, after achieving financial independence, acquired skills as a homeopath and yoga teacher which he put to use in Ananda Marga humanitarian relief projects in Africa, Asia, and Eastern Europe. Along with Permaculture Rakesh focuses on the human skills of communication and planning so necessary for successful communities. http://rootsnpermaculture.com/
WHO IS RAKESH "ROOTSMAN RAK" http://www.mixcloud.com/.../rakesh-rootsman-rak.../
LINK ME UP https://campsite.bio/rakesh
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FACEBOOK PAGE https://www.facebook.com/RakeshRootsmanRak
MIXCLOUD MUSIC https://www.mixcloud.com/rakesh-rootsman-rak/
SKILLS SHARE https://www.facebook.com/groups/2305873129722163